Synchronizing Tour with timr

The integration of Tour in timr allows you to transfer your Tour mileage log automatically into timr. For this you do the following:

1) In order to integrate Tour in timr you activate the timr Cloud Sync in the settings.



2) Enter your timr identifier. Don't change the Enterprise settings. 


Now enter your login and password. Then click on "Connect now".



3) Choose the car for which you want to activate the timr Cloud Sync.


As you can use Tour only for one car, at the moment you can also only choose 1 car for the timr Cloud Sync.


4) Now you connect your Tour categories with timr categories.

In timr you have the categories "Private" and "Business". When you connect your Tour App with timr you can choose if you want to assign your Tour categories to one of the two existing timr categories or if you want to create a new timr category out of your Tour category. 

Note: you can't create these new categories in timr. 

4a) Assigning your Tour categories to one of the timr categories

connect_categories_1.png  connect_categories_2.png  


4b) This is how you create a new timr category based on the existing Tour category.

add_new_timr_category.png    new_timr_category.png


5) At last you can decide if your existing Tour mileage log should be synchronized with timr or only those log entries from now on.



6) If you have activated the timr Cloud Sync for your Tour mileage log Tour will automatically transfer into timr


7) You can check if a log entry has been synchronized by looking at the details of the log entry.


8) When you have connected your Tour App with timr your mileage log will be transferred automatically to timr. For this you can set a Sync Interval in the settings. You can decide if Tour should sync as soon as a log entry is completed or if it should sync at a later time.


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