Track your trips with the iBeacon

1. Start tracking

NOTE: In order to track you trips using Tour and the iBeacon you have to activate the Tour App. If you deactivate Tour no trips are tracked even if you have the iBeacon in your car. This way you can choose if you want to track your private trips on the weekend, for example, or not. 

1.1. Activating the Tour App

To track your trips just activate the app by moving the icon to the right side (next to Start). 

activate_app.png  recording_started.png

Now enter the current milage on your odometer and tap on "Start".


1.2. Status

The app automatically recognizes whether you are using your car or not. If you are outside your car it is displayed on the screen. If you enter your car and start a trip, Tour automatically starts tracking. When you stop your car and get out, tracking is stopped after a short amount of time. 

status_outside_of_car.png  recording_started.png


2. Stop tracking

If you want to stop tracking your trips just deactivate Tour by moving the icon to the left side.

recording_started.png  activate_app.png


3. Stops

It's possible that Tour stops tracking if there is a prolonged stop - in case of a traffic jam, for example. In this case you can merge the two (ore more) resulting separate trips afterwards. 

For more information on merging trips take a look at our support article

Note: In the future it will be possible to choose if you want to track stops or not. Then it will also be possible to split trips if necessary. 


4. Tour inactive warning

If Tour is stopped unexpectedly, tracking is also stopped. Possible reasons can be the restart of your iPhone or the installation of an update.

If the Tour App is active the iBeacon automatically restarts tracking in case the Tour app is terminated unexpectedly while tracking.



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