Categories are available via In-App Purchase. They are a powerful way to tag and categorise your drives.
1. Changing the Category of a tour
Tap on the tour which you'd like to categorise.
In the tour details you can choose one of the already existing categories.
2. Managing Categories
2.1. Adding a Category
You have two possibilities to add a category:
a) Adding a category directly in the Tour details
Tap on the "+" icon next to the already existing categories in the tour details if you'd like to add a new category quickly.
Name your new category, select whether it's a private or a business category and tap "Done" to confirm.
b) Adding a category in the menu "Settings/Categories"
Enter the settings and tap on "Categories".
Now you can add a new category.
Besides adding categories you can rename existing categories, delete categories and reorder categories in the "Categories" menu.
2.2. Renaming an existing category
In order to rename a category tap on the category concerned.
Now change the name.
2.3. Reorder Categories
If you want to reorder your categories tap on "Edit" in the "Categories" menu.
Now tap on the list symbol and move your chosen category to another place in the list.
2.4. Deleting a category
In the category settings you can also delete a category.
Note: At the moment it's only possible to delete a category which hasn't been assigned to any trips. If you want to delete a category which has been assigned to trips, first you have to change the category of these trips.
In the future it will be possible to deactivate categories with trips assigned to them.
For now we recommend to move categories with assigned trips you don't use any more to the end of your list (see 2.3.).