Eco Mode (BETA)

1. Eco-Mode

By using iBeacon Car Detection, Tour can sense if you're in your car or not in order to activate/deactivate GPS. But, Tour is not allowed to fully disable Location Services once you're out of the car because the iOS system doesn't allow apps to enable Location Services while in Background. Because of this iOS limitation, Tour still needs more battery while you're out of the car as it could without location services. How much additional battery is used depends on a few things, like cell coverage.

The Eco-Mode now let's you fully disable location services if you know that you won't need your car for a longer period of time. For example if you arrive in the office and you know that you won't need the car till you're driving home in the evening.

So while in Eco-Mode, Tour doesn't use ANY additional battery. But, Tour isn't able to activate recording again automatically. Therefore it will notify you once you're back in the car that you have to start recording with Tour. 

Eco-Mode only works with iBeacon Car Detection.

2. Enable/Disable Eco-Mode

Since the Eco-Mode is currently in Beta you have to activate it like to following:

  1. Open the Safari Browser on your iPhone
  2. Visit
  3. Click "Enable Eco-Mode"

Next click "Open"

3. Activating the Eco-Mode

Once the Eco Mode is enabled, Tour will notify you if you haven't been in your car for 30minutes. If you then know that you won't need the car for a longer period of time you can activate the eco mode.

You can now enable the Eco-Mode if you swipe the notification to the left.

4. Manually activating the Eco-Mode

You can also always activate or deactivate the Eco-Mode in the Tour app while you're out of the car.

Open Tour app and click onto the recoding switch.

You'll now be asked to enable Eco-Mode or deactivate recording. 

Activate Eco-Mode is indicated like the following:

To manually deactivate the Eco-Mode, simply click onto the recoding switch again.

5. Start recording again

Once you're back in the car, if Eco-Mode is activate, the Tour app will notify you that you have to open the app in order to start recording again (remember, we cannot activate Location Services in Background). 

You can open Tour and deactivate Eco-Mode simply by swiping the notification.

6. Feedback

We'd be really glad if we wouldn't need the Eco-Mode. However, since we have to cope with the iOS system limitation, we think we've made the best out of it. What do you think? Because the Eco-Mode is still currently in Beta we'd like to learn from you how you like it and what we should change about it. Please drop us a line at





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