In order to take a further look at any issues you experience with the Tour Android app we may need your diagnose info
1. Send Diagnose Info
If our support team has asked you to provide more details you can send us this info following these steps:
1.Open the Tour app on your Android and enter the "settings" menu.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings menu and press the troii logo on the bottom left side for some seconds .
3. Now choose "Send".
NOTE: We recommend to send this via a WiFi connection since this could use some MB of your data plan.
4. Afterwards please send us a short mail at communicating that you have sent the diagnose infos.
2. Enable Diagnose Mode
We may need further infos about an issue with your Tour app and ask you to enable the diagnose mode. In this case enter the settings menu, tap on the troii Logo and switch the diagnose mode to "On" (move the marker to the right).
If the diagnose mode is active, you will see this in the settings menu.
3. Disable Diagnose Mode
If the issue has been resolved you can disable the diagnose mode again. In order to do this enter the settings menu, tap on the troii Logo and switch the diagnose mode to "Off" (move the marker to the left).